Maintaining Hardwood Floors Using the Right Floor Cleaning Products


Each type of floor has its own unique traits, and thus requires unique cleaning methods. While simple sweeping is all it takes to keep some floors clean, hardwood floors will require slightly more complex techniques and special products to clean and maintain it. Commercial establishments that have hardwood flooring, like restaurants and specialized shops, may find it a little difficult to keep their floors clean and looking like new all the time, especially in high traffic areas.

To make sure your establishment’s hardwood floors are being cleaned properly and with the right cleaning products, consider the following factors: Read more from this blog:

Clean Sweep: 3 Commercial Cleaning Supplies for a Healthier Office


As an employer, it’s only natural that you want to help employees stay as healthy as possible. After all, it can be very difficult for employees to stay productive when they feel under the weather. This is why many offices around Buffalo, NY encourage their employees to live healthy lifestyles. Some even provide their employees with discounts for local gyms or organize sponsored fitness classes.

Although such extra benefits are important in the overall health of your employees, the cleanliness of your office plays an equally large role. Since employees spend 8 hours or more inside the office, it is imperative that you foster a clean and safe working environment. Aside from implementing more thorough cleaning processes, you may want to stock up on some of these cleaning supplies in Buffalo, NY: Read more from this blog:

Learn the Top Reasons to Start Using Green Floor Cleaning Products

FLoor cleaning

With so much hype generated from the plethora of companies going green, you might think that it is just another fad that cleaning services and their respective clients cooked up to get more money from you. However, there really are several benefits that your place of business can enjoy once you try green floor cleaning products in Buffalo, NY.

Conventional vs. Green Cleaning Products: Which One is Healthier?

In small amounts and with proper ventilation, the effects of conventional cleaning products might be so negligible that you won’t even feel any repercussions from their toxic effects. The problem, however, really lies on the number of chemicals that businesses use to keep their offices clean. Read more from this blog

Spotting the Top Signs of Real ‘Green’ Commercial Cleaning Products

Cleaning products

Environmentalists have been saying that ‘green’ is the new gold. With the general public’s rising awareness of the harmful effects household cleaning materials wreak on our health and environment, it is only natural for consumers to try to protect themselves and their loved ones.

The Truth About Other Green Products

Sadly, there are some janitorial cleaning supplies that take advantage of this new market trend. They mislead the naive consumer with information and boasts about being green, thus creating confusion in the buyer’s mind—enough to just say, it must be green because it says so. After all, deciphering all those multisyllabic words on a container is better left to a scientist, right? Read more from this blog